Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)
Call In/Call Out.
New York State Department of Health NYSDOH requires that effective January 1, 2021, all Home Care Agencies of personal care services, including consumer directed, select and put into production EVV (Electronic Visit Verification) clock in and out systems that meet the requirements of the 21st Century Cures Act. In addition, providers are required to submit their EVV data to the NYSDOH on a daily basis.
Both telephone timekeeping and application clock require the employee to clock in with a unique ID which will be generated by our agency, often known as an employee PIN (Personal Identification Number). The employee PIN replaces the employee name and signature on a paper timesheet.
If the patient does not have a landline or cell phone, there are government programs that provide subsidized phone service. If the service recipient’s landline phone is out of service, usually Medicaid will accept paper timesheets.
Reduction of unknown missed visits
Real-time verification of visits
Decreased paper costs (helps save on printing, mailing, scanning, and storing)
Better coordination of care and easier scheduling
Elimination of payroll and billing data entry
Audit readiness, less danger of having to repay billing
EVV Clock In/Out Methods
1- Call In/Out by Patient's Home or Cell Phones
Our Agency will provide employee PIN in order to clock In/Out
If you have any questions or concerns, please call us 914 282 9003
Instruction Call In/Out by phone or cell phone. Please click download instruction document
EVV Instructions English (Download)
EVV Instructions Spanish (Download)
2. Call In/Out By using the HHA Exchange Smart App
(needs to be installed on the Aide’s personal cell phone, please see video below)
If you have any questions or concerns, please call us 914 282 9003
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